Monday, February 10, 2020

30 Day Results

You would think after the first post showing my mom gut I would be over it but NOPE.
I'm still just as reluctant to share shit. 
I HATE showing my body let alone to the entire world. 

Let me tell you something though. 
The minute I did it held me accountable and guess what...
It fucking worked! 
See for yourself. 
This is 30 days of at home workouts. 
I was a skeptic. 
No way would I ever buy into a pyramid scheme were my thoughts for so long. 
What did I have to lose? 
Nothing, nothing at all. 
It had been almost 6 years of feeling frumpy AF. 
I was over it. 
I kept making excuses that it was just sooo expensive and there was no way I was going to pay that much to lose weight. 

Guess what..  when my thoughts changed so did I! 
Read that again folks. 
"When my thoughts changed so did I".

That's right. As soon as I chose to spend the money and look at it in a different light, EVERYTHING changed.

I am no longer a skeptic, I am no longer making excuses.
The same progress I have longed for the same progress I sat daily watching others obtain while I stayed in excuses.

For me I had to think of it like this,
I spend 1.50 to 3.00 a day on coffee. I also spent roughly 5 dollars a day on lunch.
Of course sometimes I brought coffee from home and brought my lunch but add up what I would spend if I didn't.
Add up what I would spend on just coffee, and now replace it with a healthy alternative.
You see where I am going.
The point is, look what my benefits are just from changing my routine.

Imagine what I will look like in another 30 days.

I CAN'T wait!
You should join me!!!!

Comment below, I would LOVE to have ya on my team.

See ya soon

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