Monday, February 17, 2020

Boob Check

You don't know fear until you stare it straight in the face. 

The big C word is everywhere, shit it's like an epidemic.  Everyone has it these days, you're the lucky few if ya don't.  

You basically wake up and pray like hell with each passing day you aren't next. 
It's really fucked up to think about. 
I don't remember this shit as a kid. What's really going on? Makes ya wonder. 

Fear of the unknown when you find a lump or mass is like a daunting pain of what if. 
The mind is certainly a crazy thing. You can convince yourself dead if ya let it play out. 

Today was the day. The anticipation to get here was super fucked. I had to play out of site out of mind. 

The first part, ahh not so bad. Doc came in tried to assure me it didn't look like the big C,BUT we now needed to take extra measures to make sure. 
Talk about nervous. 
It was as if time stood still. 

As the biopsy wrapped up and Doc was walking away he says " now I wouldn't lose any sleep over this". 
Ummm thanks man BUT already lost it. LOL

Now we wait, hope and pray. 

Positive Vibes