Monday, December 30, 2019

Accountability 2020

I've been idle for awhile, a long while. I have been back and forth with what route I wanted to take this blog and nothing ever really stood out. To say I said F it is an understatement.  
As time has progressed I've realized it's really just an outlet.  
A place for me to journal my struggles and triumphs, to go when I need to vent or even just act silly. 
Reality is one day it will just be a place to look back on and reflect. 

On January 6th I'm participating in a workout/get healthy deal with my work peeps. 
So what better way to hold myself accountable then to use this as a place to post my day to day feels. 
I am NO work out guru, matter fact I am opposite. I'm lazy, hate to work out and love food. 
So this will be a real damn struggle, BUT I got this. 
My mind is made up. 
I WILL fit my arse into a bikini come October. I will I will I will. 💪 
Hear that... that's me convincing myself. Ha! 
Anywho, be on the look out for more post and of course the best ones of all where I have to show my mom bod so you know I'm serious.😂🤦‍♀️ 
That will be fun... NOT
But, F it!  I know there are so many of you in my exact spot so here's to US. 
Come on 2020 we are ready for you!💪👊❤ 

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