Friday, January 10, 2020

Find your Fire!

Personally I am not one to tell the world about myself. I'm a private person, BIG time. 
However my little one is 5 and clearly the routine I've been in is getting my mom bod absolutely no where. So. 
Drastic measures it is. 
This shit is super personal, it's even been saved in such files, hidden away. 

Don't get me wrong I am blessed and not a body shamer at all! I believe as long as you're truly happy and healthy live your life.
However I have longed for a fit body, its always been a personal goal of mine and god bless America I'm gonna get it. 💪🤪

So here is Day 1. 
Day 1 of being CONSISTENT, Day 1 of being accountable and Day 1 of the rest of my life. 

Ps... it is taking all I have to share these pics. I am so hard on myself. 5 Capuchins later I'm not bouncing back so easy. 🤦‍♀️
(I'm on day 4 now and going strong)

Alright ya'll... SO...
I DID it! 
I took that leap and said F it I am all in. 
I needed the accountability the extra push. 
I've been on the fence for YEARS. I was a total skeptic. 
Never staying consistent, always stopping after a few weeks or months. Making excuses for everything. 
It has been 5 years ya'll! 5!😳 
The kicker is I ain't given up. 
I'm in it to win damn it and I'm ready! 💪 
So this may be a totally different post than you've ever seen from me or even dare expect BUT not any more. 
I have a long way to go but I ain't stoppin now.
2020 let's do this. 
BTW! I would ❤❤❤ to have ya'll join me. 
So ASK and let's go! 

Let's do EPIC shit! 

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