Sunday, January 19, 2020

15 Days of Commitment

Holy Shittro ya'll! 
I made it to day 15.💪👊
Now this probably seems crazy small to you,  and that is fine. BUT I have yet to keep going for more than 14 days in a row, EVER until NOW.
I'm fucking stocked. 🤸‍♀️🤘 

Here's the deal... I am committed.  
Sure I said I was before but I wasn't.  
Something inside has to give,you have to be sick of what was and want more so bad that nothing will stop you. 
And finally I feel that 🔥!
As reluctant as I am to share more of what I keep so much to myself. Here is 15 days of working out everyday.
While you don't see a huge difference I feel a huge difference. 
My stomach issues have been almost nonexistent, and my clothes fit better. 
Day 15 🙈 

I'm 5.4 pounds down. I've stuck to low carb, very little sugar, only 100mg of caffeine a day and I feel so much better. I can't wait to see what another 15 brings.🖤

Whatever you have holding you back, whatever you have stopping you, use it as motivation to get going, to keep going. I am you! I am scared and I am vulnerable as fuck. But we can do this! 🖤
Ask me how I can help. 
I've committed to a 90 day challenge with
She is literally so real and a mom of soon to be 6. 
I've also decided to become a coach. What better way to overcome my fears than to help others do the same. 

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