Tuesday, November 13, 2018

To be continued

I have let this blog sit for so long. Checking in on it periodically and as you see randomly changing shit up here and there. There was no direction, literally, I was lost as fuck with a mind full of stories. 
I had no idea what the hell I was doing when I started all this, I knew I liked to write, make people laugh and inspire. There was no plan and when life hit it hit freaking hard man and down I went. Blogging was NOT a priority. I pushed it aside and kept on truckin. All the while a burning urge to talk too spill the beans and let this shit out! 
When I say I have no fucking idea, I truly mean that. Life has sucked me in and grabbed me by the balls. I am over here lost as shit my friends and finally, well finally the words are flying out. 

20 ! And as much as you would love to have I photo of me, I am not able to send you one.  There is a fine line that we have to be careful not to cross.  I’m not sure if I even fully recognize what that is right now.  But I do know this…

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