Monday, July 3, 2017

4 Days of Gratitude

SLACKING again , but playing catch up riiiiight now! :) We will just roll all 4 days into 1. All about being Thankful!

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What are you grateful for my friends????
I can tell you I have so many things to be grateful for it is hard to name them all.
I know often we get caught up in our busy day to day lives and don't give a lot of thought about everything we are thankful for, but it really is a very important part of our journey.

So stop take 5 and just breathe and take in all of life's blessings. Do this daily, you will see that your life will become more positive the more you make being grateful a part of it.
The universe has a way of making things better the more we appreciate what we already have.
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Here are mine: 
1. There are many, but my husband, without him by my side let's just say my give a damn's were busted. 
2. My home! It is something I dreamt of for so long. Now it is a dream come true.
3. Do I have to name just one, hehe... hmmm I would have to say pasta.
4. My job! Without it I would not be where I am today in my career.
5. My kids and their health! I am one amazingly blessed momma of 5 healthy and happy kiddos.
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Happy Monday Folks!
Enjoy your holiday tomorrow, be safe and have lots of fun.
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