Sunday, March 19, 2017

Over a month later

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It's like time just literally is in over drive every single day of my life.
I have list upon list of things to do and deadlines that expired long ago.
Making time to worry about calories or exercise is nonexistent.
I wish I could say it wasn't but I am not here to sugar coat life with a troop for you
 It is down right hard as F!
On a positive note I am down 3 whopping pounds and no that is not from anything spectacular.
This here is real life peeps, sometimes you have so many amazing thoughts and just no time to put them into action.
This was much easier as a stay at home mom.
My days go something like this...
Image result for working mom chaos

All in bed by 9pm, me asleep somewhere in the middle of dinner being cleaned up and showers.
Now where in the hell does this exercise routine come in!?
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Image result for no time to workout working mom funny
Swear I have the grandest of intentions but never have the time to make them happen.
So my motto has just been do what you can with what you have.
With this thought process I have been able to at least make sure to squeeze in some push ups a few days a week and some squats.
I already pretty much eat healthy, I always have.
I love all that weird stuff that comes with the label HEALTHY, so that helps.
Truth be told I am in the same boat as probably hundreds or thousands of other working moms who cant find the time to fit themselves in.
I am sure some schedules are 5 times worse then mine.
So ladies here is a new motto for us.
Image result for working mom exercise funny
And just like that I have it all figured out.
Pretty much what I am tryin to say here is... Life is way to short to worry to much about all this exercise jazz.
 Stay healthy, eat the right stuff to fuel your body and keep it movin, that's what ya have to do.
Then one day when the monkeys are all grown you will have all the time you need for you.
And that's a wrap folks.
Ending on this note:

Image result for cracking up laughing smiley

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