Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Motivate Me

Image result for motivational quotes
Well well well
I will just dive right in to what this is all about,

Since baby Capuchin numeral 5 I have been struggling with the baby weight I put on. Of course I tried to be mentally prepared thus knowing 4 prior what my body does when it discovers there is another little human taking form in there but truth be told there is no preparing.

I am NOT a cute pregnant chic, I am rolly polly and as miserable as a dog in heat.
I'm bitchy, uncomfortable and just an all around crappy pregnant lady. HA

So peeps here we are coming up rapidly on 3 years post baby and I am literally freaking STUCK! This shit aint goin no where. 
I am afraid it has gotten comfy and made itself a home.
Frankly I am sick of it! I feel terrible, the energy level is nonexistent and my postpartum depression is way worse from it.
For 2 years now I have been back and forth with what to do and how to incorporate it all into my time. The first year I had no excuses other then a tired mom. But since I was at home with the baby it was much easier to eat right and exercise daily. Now the last year and a half since going back to work I have just made more excuses and said the hell with it BUT every day it is on my mind to stop the bullshit reasons and just do it for me! 
I see all these Facebook post or ladies I follow on IG that have made these amazing transformations and I keep thinking damn it that could be me and then just like that I have some dumb excuse why I will just do it tomorrow.
It is this self talk that keeps me from living the life I desire and being the healthy strong women I know I can be.
I stopped smoking cigarettes 3 years ago November 2016 and I just keep thinking if I can stop that cold turkey I can do anything. 
It is all a BIG mind battle.
I know I deserve to be healthy for my troop. 
For god sake there are 6 other people who depend on me every single day.
I know that somehow someway I have to make it happen so I can be the best version of me and feel better mentally and physically.

So that is what this is! 
No get skinny easy gimmicks, no diet bets or wanting your money, no shakes or pills.
Just me working out at home, eating healthy and changing my life one day at a time.

Please follow along, help a chic out. I love tips, tricks and recipes. 
I felt by making a public post about my journey this would not only hold me accountable but also hopefully inspire others that they to can do this.

I am a huge pocket pincher so for me to join something like Beach Body or Weight Watchers was just not in any way suitable for me. I don't knock the companies or coaches at all, they have shown amazing results for many many people but the funds were just not in the cards for me to join all that. 
So I thought there has to be a way I can do exactly what they are for FREE.
Well other then food but you buy food anyway, just now you have to buy the gewd stuff. :)

Alrighty well here we go... wish me luck
Day one starts today!

Image result for motivational weightloss quotes day one

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