Friday, July 3, 2015

Whiney pants

Image result for throwing a fit
This is EXACTLY how I am feeling!!
Woke up Monday sick as ever. Fever, body aches, sore throat, and ear infection. I have been down since. Went that evening and got some Walmart brand Tylenol cold severe and boy does it work BUT unfortunately something in it gave me severe chest pain which radiated all the way down my left arm. FREAKED me out! I would have swore I was having a heart attack, which in turn sent me into a horrible panic attack. YES it has been another week from down below.
Now here we are Friday, the day before a BIG holiday for my family and I feel like I am only getting worse. Switched meds to Alka seltzer and so far so good, but I only feel a little better while the meds are working... go figure. :( 
I despise being sick, especially being a "mom" sick.We don't get a brake or to stay in bed, we still have to cook and clean and maintain the circus.
Oh but dads now, HA they are laid up for a week, not moving and acting as if they have been paralyzed. 

HA exactly what I think at times... gotta love um. :)

So life goes on and the daily grind of finding a joby job is still in the cards. I told you guys I was so sincerely positive I had that job I REALLLLY wanted, well found out Tuesday I did not get it, and so the luck continued this week and I was actually turned down for 2 others as well. A huge sigh, grunt and groan, I wanted to sulk and boo hoo but as always that does nothing for the situation at hand. It has been rough keeping a good outlook still but I have... somehow.
Next week I am back at it, I have another interview Tuesday and I will continue to go from there.
I will say being sick on top of all the disappointment has made for a great challenge.
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However I am alive, and kicking so that in itself is worthy of a
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Well peeps, time for baby baby to have some breakfast, so
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and have a freaking fantastic 4th. Be safe everyone!
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