Friday, June 26, 2015

Up a creek

EXCUSE this post that has been sitting for a few weeks ready to be seen. Goodness I just can't get my shit together, EVER!

Well, so the canoe trip we took was seriously awesome! If you have never been canoeing I highly recommend it. We went to Sugar Valley Canoes in Marshall, IN. Very decent priced with plenty of hours to go out and have some fun. 
Now the bus ride to the drop off point was a different story. A bit like a movie, every seat packed with at least 2 people well or a dog, people on the steps by the front door and people in the isles, smelled like a landfill and I'm positive the driver thought he was being chased.
Back country roads, twist, turns, hills at about 70 mph (felt like)
This was definitely some scary shiz, but we made it hanging on for dear life.
The water was a bit high so a lot of rocks to watch out for, not tipping was a chore but that was part of the fun. 
The sis in law found a friend, named him Bob he hung around majority of the 12 miles only once trying to climb into her mouth, YIKES (wait till you see Bob) hehe. We couldn't have asked for better weather. It really was the PERFECT day!
See for yourself:

Meet Bob! (yes the dragonfly)


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