Monday, July 13, 2015

Change is good

Not everyone can adjust to change so simply, I get it.

I on the other hand well I enjoy it, I must have it, or else I feel overwhelmed. Weird?.... probably but whatevs!
So after not a word from me for days, here I am whipping out a whole new look.
It was beyond time for change, beyond time for something new and improved.
Please definitely tell what you think, don't be shy, I LOVE comments.
I wanted simple, something that loaded faster and not so busy.
These past few weeks as you have read have been nothing shy of 70mph, it was time to slow it down.

I have managed to stay in the positive outlook, woo hoo, GO me, and this was just one step in the process.
My blogging is my outlet, my mommy time. Usually that is nonexistent most days so to have a place to go those few far and between minutes, well I wanted it to reflect my new and forever attitude...
and here we are! :)

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