Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Schmeaster

Happy Monday and a BIG late Happy Easter! I hope you all survived the lovely smell of  chicken butts all weekend.
Image result for colored easter chickensImage result for easter eggs

I know I am so thankful for all the time and food we were able to share with friends and family, but I am so absolutely glad with a BIG azz G that it is OVER! There is always so much time and effort put into these holiday get together's and then it's all over in a serious bat of an eye.  Funny as a kid I looked forward to these occasions, guess I have just become a fuddy duddy. 
On the positive we had over 400 eggs to hide this year ( yes you read that correctly!). I mean we may have almost an acre but just where in the flying balls do you hide "400" eggs?????  So we didn't, we covered the ground with them, driveway, cars, fences, EVERYWHERE! It looked like the Easter bunny had major diarrhea and took it out on our yard. 
And then
Like angry dogs they ran as fast as they could shoving, pushing, elbowing and drop kicking one another to get to the "400, 265,365,000 eggs. 
I imagine this is exactly what they were seeing.

(400 eggs and 5 kids hunting, and to a kid that " aint nothing (eye roll)" in their own words. 

Try buying all that expensive candy that will only rot your teeth for me to pay for, try stuffing 400 Fing eggs so that you can fight with your siblings about who got more ,because losing your teeth first is so fun, or running around a muddy yard to lay all this bunny shit all over the place for you to pick up and dump the candy out leaving it  all over the place for me to pick up, because that's what fun is to mom huh?!?! HA

In the end they all had a blast, even the monster teens who claimed they were "too old".  Thank god for an 8 month old because I will now get plenty more of these crazy times for a lot longer. Oh the joys of becoming a fictional character what seems a million times a year.

On top of the bunny poop storm, we had so much food I definitely gained all I had lost and some. Back to the grind today except there are so many yummy left overs, so I have to eat those first, Right? :) Just a hint of the sugar we had/have laying around.

Turned out to be an awesome day. Not to mention little miss looking so cute on her very first Easter not in tadpole form.

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