Monday, March 2, 2020

From the ground up

It's been one hard ass road to get to 38. 
Many days I seriously wondered if I would make it. 

I've seen depression, anxiety so bad it caused tremors, post partum depression, confusion, anger and wanted to die.
I've also seen happy, love, hope, and faith come to life.

Since the age of just 17 I've lived as an adult. 
A child to raise. 
By 18 married, 19 another child to raise. 21 three children, 24 four children. 

Back it up to,
Capuchin number 3 was born. 
3 weeks later a nightmare began. His father and I were accused of child abuse and all 3 of our children were taken away. 

Long story short he was born with a bone disease, we would later find out. 
This is a story you just would not even believe. I'll write about that some other time. 

From that year on life would never be the same. 

"2005" Capunchin 4 is here, and we divorce just 8 months later. 

Fast forward to February 2009. When I'm blind sided by being pulled in to court. This went on for 2.5 years.( another story you don't want to miss ) 

November of 2009, in the heart of the court case, my father passes away. 

The struggle was real and would only prove harder. 
Fast forward 3 years. I started college... again.
Finished in 2013, interned, hated it. 
Go figure. 
I also rekindled with my 6th grade sweetheart. 

July 2014 Capuchin #5 is born.
My troop was finally complete.
I married my sweetheart in 2017 and to this day we are still going strong.

Sounds like a movie when you sum it all up. 
Throw in some dead ends, a lot of drama and a whole shit ton of tears you'll get a real soap opera/reality show.

The point here... 
I MADE it and if I can... 
so can YOU! 

Nothing has come easy, I've had to fight,kick and scream for every single thing I have today. 
The key! 
I never ever gave up and I 100% believed in myself and what I knew I deserved.  

If you put your mind to it you can do anything. 
I am a firm believer that whatever we give we get back. 
I've seen it happen time and time again in my own life. 
Through the 🔥 you have to keep your head up,never wallow in your own sorrows. 
Don't dwell on yesterday. 

             You got this ya'll. 
We got this!!!💪🤘


V. Moore said...

Stronger for what you have endured
Proud of you! said...

Thank you! It is because of you I am able to stand tall through it all. Love you always