Friday, January 20, 2017

What if today was your last day

Image result for what if today was your last day

Let me just get this out there and tell you time in NO way heals all wounds, it just doesn’t
What it does do is help you keep going, allows you to breathe and stand just a little bit stronger.
Most of all it allows you to really take a big look into your own existence and reevaluate your life.
It shows you that anything can happen, even to YOU!
Death is something I was very fortunate to never experience until in my late twenties.

It was never something I feared or really ever even gave much thought.
I knew that life could be taken away in the blink of an eye but I always gave it a shrug and kept trucking on.
Wasn’t until one day back in 2006 that my dad went into a coma that death became so apparent in my life.
Yet I had no idea just what it all meant or would mean.
That year, he remained in a drug induced coma for about 3 months, took a bit to recover, made some heart pounding discoveries and shortly after he was being released and home he went to get back to normal.
He did just that, danced again traveled and of course worked his ass off.
Little did I know that in just 3 small but what always seemed so BIG as a kid years he would be soaring with the angels, dancing in the skies.

Friends when I say life can turn at any given second I mean it.
You are in no way promised another 5 minutes let alone another day.
What are you doing right now??
Think about if you died right now wherever you are whatever you are doing this very minute.
Are you prepared?
Is your family taken care of, what's the last thing you said to the ones you love, hell maybe you are looking for that right one still, did you tell your kids you love them? I could go on and on with the did you’s, but the reality is we still continue to take so much for granted.
I do it everyday too.
I am no different!

November 2009 we lost one of the most amazing human beings I will ever have the chance to know let alone the honor to call my father

Diagnosed January of 09 with stage 2 pancreatic cancer he fought with great dignity for a long 10 months when it took him down unexpectedly in such a way that left me completely traumatized.
This... this is what made everything I ever thought, feared or imagined become real.
Image result for i wear purple for my dad

NONE of us have an expiration date.

So why do we continue to get mad over the small things, or take days , hours and minutes for granted?
Why don't we just take chances and live day by day doing what we love and being happy?!
These are things I ask myself all of the time, I am sure most of us do.

What if today was your last day?

Hug the ones you love a little tighter, ignore that pile of laundry that lays on the floor, stop getting so upset about the little things and live for the here and now.
I know if I were to go right now I am in no way prepared nor would want to go with all that I have left unspoken.
Stop waiting for another time another chance, just do it,say it... NOW!
Do what makes you smile, makes you happy.
Kick fear in the ass and take chances!
That has to be what it's all about... right!
No way we are made with such greatness to just sit still and let the world pass us bye.

Image result for live for today

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