Wednesday, October 5, 2016


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Well here we are folks, another 3 months in the books.

Here I had you all ready to take this giant leap of faith with me and BOOM I plateaued again, disappeared and frankly did not in any way do what I thought I was gonna do.
Such is life huh!

It has been no secret that when life throws me a pile of shit I shut down and hide.
I love to live like a hermit and hibernate like a bear.
Though smart sources say this is some sort of ...depression.
I like to call it post baby blues and just being a woman.
When I found out I was prego with numeral cinco, I instantly panicked for the thoughts I knew I would have during and after.
I have always been a MAJOR worrier of my weight and how I saw myself.
RIDICULOUS... I know but it is legit!
Shortly after she arrived I found myself so incredibly busy that I had no time for blogging or venting or ME.
Now here we are over 2 years later... YIKES!!!!
And I am struggling something major to adjust to the me that is now.
I have always wanted to be fit/tone and healthy.
Always admired other women who had the time and money  to put into the "fit" lifestyle. I am a huge dreamer so to me I just kept telling myself after I was officially done having babies I to would find a way to have this, to look and feel how I have always dreamed about.
I would find a way to get there and show other women that this IS possible without being rich, having trainers and buying expensive food.
BUT ...
I have yet to have the nerve to just do it!
AND then there was Facebook and this lady who is a coach... a beachbody coach.
BEACHBODY you say! YES, that is correct.
I never thought I would ever say that or promote it or better yet ever dare TRY it.
To me this was another hockey thing to get people reeled in and spending their hard earned money all to lose weight.
So as she inspired me day to day by simply posting on her page I thought more about it, I decided to research it and dig deep to see just how hundreds and I do mean hundreds of others have been successful through this program to.
Then peeps, just like that I was SOLD!

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With that said, I have made the decision to invest in the program for 30 days to see what my results are. 
The BEST part...
I am going to share it all with you all!
What what!!
So if any of you have been on the fence about this program or just even in the air of how to lose weight and what all works out there, well climb aboard and let's kick some ass together, OR simply let me be the guinea pig and if the results are great well, we can rock it together the next 30 days.
I am not sure how long shipping will be so assuming all goes well I will be placing my order Friday and getting started as soon as it arrives.
In the meantime I will indulge in all my favorite super unhealthy junk. HEHE
The plan is to post a blog each day either just some simple motivation or a quick update.
I will share it all, food, emotions, workouts and progression.
I hope you all are ready.
Now lets go get fat so we can prepare to get fit!
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