Friday, November 27, 2015

Black Friday - I hate you...I love you

A tradition for years. Never missed a Black Friday, until I grew up that is.
I loved it, come hail or high water I was trampling a million people to save that 10 whopping buckaroos. Babies, car seats, screaming kicking kids, no it did not matter we were there damn it. In line for that 20 dollar DVD player and that 100 dollar 42" big body TV that weighed as much as large Marge shoving her elbow in your eye because she needed it more than you.
All the many hours winding our way through store after store because it takes 5 minutes to find what you came for and 16.5 hours to check out. BIG shout out to  the cheating SOB's to that think just because they are more tired than you or bigger they can unwrap the deals from there hidden areas and secretly put it in their carts until "GO" time, or the ones who didn't even begin to brush their hair or wipe the gravy from their face before running out like wild animals for a .99 savings on a toaster, you all ROCK (assholes).  
You see it became tradition to not only save what we could but to people watch. That was the most exciting part of it all. I know they say the coo coo's arise at a full moon but I am telling you first hand that Black Friday is the worst.
These past few years I have turned to completely online shopping , well beside the average stocking stuffers and things you just happen to see that you can not pass up.
Any who, I became super hooked on the convenience of it. 
Then 2015 hit and I could not even save a buck without someone wiping out what I had in my cart. BOO to the peeps who figured out the online game. Take your azzes back to the madness. :)

And despite all the craziness we will still go out to save a buck. 
Here's to surviving Black Friday
Image result for cheers wine
The End

I hope you ALL had a wonderful Thanksgiving. 
We certainly did!
The oldest even took some food to the homeless downtown. 
I was very proud, totally his idea too.
So thankful for everything!
Have a great weekend friends.

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