Saturday, October 31, 2015


OMGoodness where do we begin?
I think it has ONLY been 30 + days and counting.
So much has happened , like life and kids and work and holidays and school and conferences and sleep (what is that). I have so much to tell in so little time, because I guarantee the second I think I can hurry and fill you all in quickly and say a BIG hey I miss venting and sharing with you all someone will need me. With that in mind I am typing as fast as my short stubs will allow, so fast that most of my words are including that awesome red line that says hey WTH is this word, you did NOT spell that right. Nonetheless I am going to get this posted damn it.
Okay so you will NEVER believe what happened to me I think it has been about a month ago now. It is a post in itself, but let me tell you, you will NOT want to miss out on it. It is a case of road rage at it's finest. Boy oh boy, let's just say I came about a 2 steps to the left from being ran over in my own front yard.
Yep you have to read this crazy shiznit. My goal is to get that posted this evening if not tomorrow evening. Don't miss it, you will not be let down. It is one that had the news talkin.
Image result for cartoon road rage
In other news
JOBY JOB update!! Woo Woo
OK so for the first time, I am truly happy. Finally after 4,567 jobaroos I like what I am doing and have no issues getting up to go. Now the down side has been I am now up at 4 am so I have been super sleepy and going to bed by 9. Hint this is why you haven't seen a stitch of me in soooo long. :(
Life has kicked me in the rear end and won't let up. The poor other half is feeling the lack there of from it too, (poor guy). :) 
Being an adult blows BIG time sometimes. 
I want to throw fits, takes naps and worry of nothing.  

Image result for being an adult funny
Back to reality, life has been good, just super busy. Kids are all good, baby is getting huge and says all kinds of things now. She sorta amazes me on so many different levels, she does things at her age that a 2 year old would do. My assumption, she is baby genius and we are on the way to a super star! :) 
Guessing she will recite the presidents by the age of 2 and be a doctor by 10. Big hope, Big hope!! HAHA
While rambling I had the realization that today is Halloween, (always a day late and a dollar short), butImage result for happy halloween clipart
Everyone be safe, stay warm and have lots of fun. Remember check for razor blades, don't eat to much candy and brush yo teeth. 
Happy Trick or Treating!!

Image result for cute happy halloween clipart
Image result for cute happy halloween clipart

Now to tell you all about the road rage witch. Stay tuned :)

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