Friday, May 15, 2015


Only 8:30pm and just now sitting down for a moment of mom peace. You know that time where you “think" you have five minutes to catch up on things or just vent from the long chaotic day.

Alright so here goes my 5 minutes, so if I make no sense, excuse me now.

What a day what a day... 8am running nonstop until 6pm where I still had dinner to make, a kid to get from Friday school, dishes to do and finally a shower because it was hotter than a pig in a blanket today and I now smell like a foot. Figured I best get on here and say my rhetorical "sorry" since I can never post more than one thing in a week it seems. 
Still a million drafts, I have definitely added to them, ok some, but nowhere near finished, Hell I have to wait until I can even remember what I was saying now. 
It has been one hell of a week, that's for sure.

Good news is we have made it to 3 plus weeks past the surgery and I am feeling fantastic. Bad news I still have not acquired my super powers they replaced it with. ughh

Looking ahead the weekend will be kid ran, which means I will be MIA even more. No post again, and so much to say... always HA.

 I almost forgot the GREAT news.
I got a job!! That's right ... going back to the working world June the 1st. I am scared, nervous, sad, excited, relieved and less stressed but more stressed. So many emotions for one small maneuver. Oh the joys of being a human. NOT!! :)
But yes, this is actually one of my many drafts. I have so much to say about this, about having to leave baby Capuchin and make chump change. 
I promise to finish that one before returning to work. :)
Nonetheless it is a job and I am INCREDIBLY thankful.

Okie dokie well it's almost 9, woo hoo doggy. You know what that means...
hahahahahahahahahahahaha on what planet???? 


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