Thursday, April 30, 2015

Week #1

Two days late and as always a dollar short,
but hey who's counting, well besides me ;)

So Tuesday night was awesome, it is a rare occasion in this house to have all the monkeys at the same time under one roof anymore, so when I do it makes my heart smile a lot and I try to soak it all in.
Though I wasn't feeling up to par completely I still vowed for a big dinner and left it up to the oldest, monkey # 1 to pick what that was. He chose pasketti(his words of 15 yrs.), breadsticks and homemade apple crisp for desert.
Only took me an hour and a half but it was so so good. Then I got to do it all over again last night, yep they actually gave me 2 days in a row (wander what the motive is??). Burgers and hotdogs on the grill was the menu last night.
Image result for yummy in my tummy
I am certainly one superdeduper BLESSED mama.
It's times like this I look back and wonder even more where all the years have went. It is also times like this I feel so incredibly grateful. Life threw some craziness in front of us many times but with strength and perseverance we made it through!! woo woo ;) 


As for the one week post op, I am a little better each day. The pain is mainly gone, I'm only using Ibuprofen now as needed. I am still not 100% on picking baby monkey up and down the gazillion times she requires but we are improvising nicely. (rope and a walker are wondrous creations haha)
I would have to say my biggest issue once past the pain has been my emotions,of course the internet will diagnose you dead if you use it for the answers you seek, but I still go looking, every single time. DANG IT!! 
I have found a nice website along the way though called the Hystersisters, pretty funny and very informative, they have lots of things to check out and are packed with so much great info for any woman going through this or will be.
Here's a link go check it out.
I cannot say I have gotten any answers to my emotional weirdness but one can only assume it is bound to happen when messing with the "female organs". I was already a monthly wreck I cannot imagine my body realizing these monstrous things are finally gone and it can now resume to a normal life. Wait what the hell is that!?!?
Yes yes
I have not been so mean as much as crying for no reason whatsoever, which is so annoying, ugh. But I will take it over the demon spawn that used to show its face. Positive step... maaaaybe?... I'll take it!!...
Just please excuse me while I uncontrollably sob at my kids eating dinner together, I mean really?!
Is it impossible to be stuck in a state of happiness??  Why is it always some jacked up emotion that isn't good for you? Can't I be stuck on laughter!
F you universe
Although crying randomly at the most ridiculous things is pretty damn funny.
I guess time will tell all, hoping that doesn't mean I will end up at the shrinks office crying because I cry to much. ;) 
Honest to goodness, reality is every woman I have spoken with about this who has had it done says it is the best thing they ever did. So with that in mind, here's to hoping recovery speeds it's ass up! 
Cheers!Image result for margarita emoji

In other news, I can not believe it is already Thursday, but in lieu of that, it is the kids dad's day. 
So you know what that means right... 
Peace and Quiet ahhhhhhh :) hehe

Busy weekend ahead, monkeys will be back Friday evening, the fantabulous "yard sale" was postponed for this Saturday due to weather,YAY me, and Sunday looks like it is going to be family day, possibly at the Zoo. 
Hopefully I will have some time to catch up on the ton of drafts I have left sitting here ready to hatch. Fingers are crossed and triple crossed, however you do that. 

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