Sunday, April 26, 2015

Day #5

Finally a gorgeous sunny day here in good ole Indy. A bit on the chilly side still around 52 but since there is sunshine I'll take it.
Apologizing now as I do for the lack there of the past few days. I promise more and end up less. Nonetheless I will say I have felt like utter hell so I do have a legit excuse. 
Today Finally I have some life in me and can actually sit somewhere other than the old love seat that reclines from the back room. These past 5 days have been one hell of a challenge that's for sure. I expected to bounce right back into my routine and that clearly does NOT happen. 
I feel like I have lost a week of my life, my house is a total wreck and somehow I have assumed the identity of that of a woman in menopause. My guts still feel like they are free falling and my emotions have formed a new game called "Let's make her cry". Thank god for my better half because honestly I haven't been able to do shit. 
I was finally able to come off of the pain pills as of yesterday and only take ibuprofen, thank god for the light in the tunnel. I've read so many forums online about having this done and of course we all have different opinions but my god most have sugar coated the hell out of it. I am sorry if this is in the future for you, but this SUCKS big ones. 
On the bright end of the spectrum...

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We have a mover!!! 
Yep, that's right, little miss started crawling on Monday. She is everywhere now. That has been great fun for daddy while mommy has been dysfunctional. 

NO More baby that sits still!!
HELLO baby that NEVER stops!!

They grow way to fast, I want to put her in a capsule and keep her tiny forever :)
The rest of the troop will be home this week, they have been at their dads since I had surgery. It has been super quiet here and oh so weird. Shhh but I do miss the little crazy things, life is pretty darn dull when they aren't around. 
I think this coming weekend we will attempt a trip to the zoo if I can walk unhunched over. It will be baby baby's first time, I'm betting she loves it.
Further in the news, there isn't much planned for the week, grocery one day and hopefully getting monkey #1 to the license branch for his permit. (yes this makes me feel old as dirt, in case you were wondering) Basically the plan is to just take it easy. I will be back in full swing on my own come tomorrow so today is huge for a get to feeling better day. 

So quick update...
If you read my post about Turmeric Powder, then you saw that on the 27th I was going to roll out a surprise as well as start the Turmeric regimen. Welllllllllll folks, as you see from my not so getting well so quick like recovery that I am in no way going to be up for this new challenge I had planned. So that means kick in gear with my procrastination LOL joking, but it does mean that I will be postponing it all until next Monday which is the 4th of May. I do not even return to the doctor until this day so no exercise or anything is in store for me until then. BOO but , it will be ok.

Well I hope you all have enjoyed your weekend.
I'll leave you with some pretties to enjoy and make your day a little brighter.

From our yard to yours!


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