Sunday, March 8, 2015

Monstrous Creatures

Can someone tell me why in the hell these things did not come with some sort of manual?
How about a shut off button!?!?  To say that we get back ten times what we gave our parents is utter hogwash! We get back 10 million 700 billion times and some. This shit is cray cray at its finest! Ughhhh. 
We have one who is 16 with so many tattoos I am not sure if he is red, black, white, grey... no clue???,(oh and did I mention he did them all himself) artsy huh! He's smelly, has athletes feet so bad his feet have feet, his friends consist of a much older crowd and their intellect is that of his age. He wears pants as leg warmers and basketball shorts as bloomers, his butt is a constant show and his shirts would save his life in a plane crash. School has been nothing but a chore, only getting bye to this year by the skin of his teeth. He believes I am utterly ridiculous, I know nothing of this life nor have I been in his extremely horrible no good life situations.(you know because his life has been sooooo bad), his language is ghettobonics (I understand NONE of it),and to top it off he truly believes he is grown (so go be the boss,MOVE out brussel sprout,HA). Now there's another that is the complete opposite, he is much prettier than me, bathes 3 times a day, smells like a man whore and has the attitude of a woman. Has been deemed hottest boy in the school status and secretly is super duper shy. As far as school he has always excelled and for that I am so very thankful (until this year the BIG 13 and he learned how to talk,:). He is the ultimate jock, plays in the band and dresses to perfection(its amazing how different each monkey actually is). Honestly "monkeys"is a very nice term for these things. I often remind myself just a few more years...just a few more years. Who am I kidding a few more years and one will still only be 5! ahhhh!!!!..In retrospect I am so incredibly sorry to my parents for these teendanger years.

Moral of the story goes, one day they will be gone and that is when I will be sitting here alone crying okay sobbing that I wish all these insane years would come back. 
Though they be but assholes, we must love them!!! :)

ps... and NO I do not need you to tell me how horrible I must be about the above colorful monkey. (Just Sayin) :) 

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