Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Meanwhile in Indiana...

So please excuse me now for what I am about to share my thoughts on.
I truly am one to never and I repeat never get into politics or religion with anyone. I just DON'T! There are far to many beliefs and opinions out there that in no way shape or form do I believe I have the knowledge or right to preach to anyone that I am right and they are wrong.
With that said there is something taking place in Indiana that I feel so strongly about and have actually lived with a person of such amazing character, so I believe that I vow the right to speak on this subject.

OK so if you haven't heard, the good ole backwards state of Indiana is well,... I will let you read it, check this out and come right back. Indiana House passes "religious freedom" bill 63-31.
So I'm sure there are some whom agree with it reading this right now and some who see through my eyes and think this is utter discrimination. That is fine with me, we all have different opinions.
However, putting aside all sexual orientation dealing with any religious beliefs, the fact still remains that if this passes and becomes a "law" all we have done is taught our CHILDREN that it is OK to pick and choose who you like and that  BULLYING is OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now have you thought about that mister Gov. Pence!!!!!???
I don't give a damn about your religion or what your bible says , I give a damn that we are setting our next generation and on and on up for permanent FAILURE!!! How???  Because they will see that it is OK to hate, to be mean, and treat people who are not exactly like them or their "bible", or how they were raised in certain beliefs, in an awful way! You are telling them it is OK to not play with that child because they are different, you are teaching them to section people out for their differences, while all these years we have been trying to STOP the bullying, STOP the suicide rate in children, STOP the children being left alone with no friends because they are "different". I believe this is utter bullshit and that is being nice. It is one thing to believe in whatever you choose, but it is something COMPLETELY different to ALLOW the ability to treat people different based on who they love!
I thought we were against bullying?
I thought we were teaching our children to love everyone no matter what color, or gender, or disability, or race, or ANYTHING???
Why hasn't anyone said "this is affecting our children"!!!!!!
How can it be OK for anyone to place discrimination on another for what there own opinion is, let alone make it a "law"???? Whaaaaaaatttt???!!
This makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever!
In turn I am sure someone will say this is not about the kids blah blah blah and turn it all around in some fashion to justify it.
In my book, all I see is a rewording of, It is okay to turn someone away because you do not like them, and that my friends IS NOT OKAY!!!!!!
There are so many religions that all believe differently, all this is doing is opening a door for a nightmare. Sad sad sad!
Further more it makes me SICK to call this place home!

Image result for gen con
I will definitely not be going to any of  the businesses that are participating in this.
More economic failure here we come. Way to go Indiana!

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