Wednesday, March 25, 2015

ARSENIC????? in WINE???? WTF!!!

You have got to check out this article if your a wine lover as I.  This is in California,some scary shiz, where a law suite has actually been filed for 83 bottles of wine found to have "dangerously high levels of arsenic"! WOW just WOW, what is seriously going on with this world?!?! I LOVE me some wine, but now I am terrified to drink me some. Pretty soon we wont even be able to eat anything but good ole dirt. Hell chicken gives ya breast cancer and beef makes ya mad, too much milk makes ya fat, and shit don't eat the bread it may have horrible bacteria, probably ebola.haha  We are just royally F&*%ed!!!!! 
But to mess with the wine.... ughhhhh :( yyyyyyyyy??? 

List of wines with high levels of arsenic


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