Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Elephant Trophy

Certain times you want to strangle your teen, or say just seriously run the hell away, pack your bags and go baby go. Then there are those moments of clarity. Moments when they make your belly hurt from laughing so dang hard at the ridiculousness that comes flying from there pie holes with no regard to what they mean or if it even means anything. I LOVE those moments. In this house those moments are so precious that we jot them down, throw them in a jar and proceed to read all those papers on New Years Day. Let me tell you it makes for one hell of a laugh and some super happiness to start the new year with. 
So that brings me to this... 
This is monkey # 2. he acquired this lovely elephant hangy thing from a pile of wait for it... yard sale stuff haha (monkey see monkey do). Any who he loved it, I said "take it, its yours". The next day, he came to me and said "Mom my ping pong ball fits perfectly in it's trunk, I can hang it on the wall and tell everyone I am the African Ping Pong Champ"! 
I literally thought I may pee. I laughed until I couldn't laugh any more. "The African Ping Pong Champ huh"?? alrighty then bud, that you shall be. 
So I present to you
The '2015'
African Ping Pong Champ of Indiana 
hahaha :)

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