Monday, June 22, 2015


Image result for ketchup
Definitely not going to apologize this time, for you all already are well aware I am a giant snail. So happy reading my friends, it's been fun . HA

Image result for its a shit storm

It has been one thing after another lately.
Keeping my cool and staying positive has been the go to this week. I have unfortunately gotten nothing done and the mere thought that this is the life is steadily creeping in to my head. UGH!
Go away negative crap, this bad luck is just setting me up for a great fortune I tell ya, it's gotta be.
This is what I have told myself year after year to think differently of the BS luck that is mine.
For years I continue to walk on a path of mere bad luck. NO joke, and it blows with a capital B!

So to sum it all up, work fell through after being in training 3 whole days, by accident my recruiter set me up with the wrong shift and only my luck there was nothing they could do. SO here I am back to square one. Told ya I have continual bad luck, seems even bogus to think that could even happen, and now I am out a job because of someone else mistake. You would think they would make it right, but NOPE! It really has been the week from hell.

No fun at all to try and sort out the bad things that always seem to happen to me. I have a rough time making them only "things". For some reason they end up huge to me and leaving me in a state of dumbfounded stupor. I hate it, hate that it has such a hold on me. I need change obviously and I need it NOW! Time to rethink some things.The revolving door stops today!
At the fork in the road, take a right.
I need the positive me back, I was so ready to be working again after baby monkey.I finally had found what I loved and the company was AWESOME, then BOOM gone. It was a slap in the face, and giant punch to the gut, I cried. The rhetorical question of why me just kept coming to play. I know in reality this is not even a question because bad things happen to everyone, it was just unfortunate and I have to move on, but it is flipping rough. ugh:(
Guess the next approach must be to stop sulking and get back to the grind of finding my career.

Positive approach here I come,
Ready, Set, Go
First things first... a little reminder :)

along with some funny's.

It is time, time for a change!
Like this is FO real my WORST problem. I am motivated one day and fall off the next or a few days later. How do I stay motivated friends??? SERIOUSLY>>> HELP!!

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