Friday, June 26, 2015

I need a nap

and once again I forgot to hit "publish", so here ya are a post that will make no sense on specifics since it refers to yesterday. Oh well, enjoy. :)

Image result for i need a nap
I'm not sure if it is a good or bad thing that it is now 5:30pm on Thursday and I have some FREE time to write.
Hell it is actually pretty scary if you ask me.

Baby baby FINALLY fell asleep and I sort of dozed off for oh like 5 min. before jumping up in a panic like I had committed a damn crime.
Oh the joys of motherhood.
So much fun when you can't keep your eyes open but you are too afraid to fully sleep, so you keep nodding off and poking yourself in the face.
Gotta love it!

Today, this week has been a long one. Interview after interview and crap weather made for some drab days, but since I am "learning" to be "positive" I will say this week was FAR better than last, so BIG plus there.
The 76 interviews went well, why am I not employed yet? Well that is because I have come to the conclusion I am too awesome and over qualified. Everyone wants me and I don't want any of them. HA, joking :)
Ok back to reality Mama Monk, I am guessing it is because I did get the one I super-duper quadruple want and will hear back from this coming week. All signs and guts point to me having it, so there we are, rap that snit up real quick like HUH. ;)
No fo real fo real, fingers are crossed I have it, otherwise I am positive I have one of them and will know next week.

All funny aside it is certainly true that staying positive and believing in what you want will make it all come true.

I just did it again my fellow readers, try it! :) Though last week was a real kick in the belly, I stayed on it this whole week applying everywhere and reapplying everywhere. I stayed on top of emails and phone calls and sold myself to these recruiters like I was making millions with what I had to offer. But even though it sounds silly, it worked! All week I have just reminded myself over and over that "I got this", and it paid off for sure. So if your in a rut as I , just breathe and look up, you CAN do this!
So with all that being said, I never got a nap, and will rely on Folgers to get me through the evening. 

Image result for coffee quotes

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