Wednesday, May 27, 2015

12 Days

WOW I can say I have actually set a record!
Not one I am proud of but nonetheless a record HA.
Image result for record
Longest I have went without posting or even getting on here. Now how many of you can say that... BOOM haha.

LIFE I tell ya, it picked me up scooped me in and I frankly forgot all about even being a blogger.
I have been on a lost mind hiatus and I think I am officially back, thank the Lawd!!
Key word being "think"!
There is so much that has been happening, seems that life tends to always have its way with me. I am definitely one of those peeps with a BIG FAT X marked on her head. Seems the good ole universe HATES me. If only I didn't understand that it is ME who is attracting it all in some way or another. Blah!!
SO... it is what it is, deal with it and FIX it! That's my motto, there is most definitely NO room for giving up. So folks here I am, kicking, and going strong.

On to better news, I will just some up the hoos and the haas...
Back to work on Mmmmonday, that is right, going back to the working mama world. Do you hear my HUGE siiiiiigh and barfing, I have no desire to leave baby baby, but it is for the better.
With that said, I am making the best of it.

Ummmm had court yesterday. This is a story in itself, one I have been attempting to blog about, but the super fun "drafts" pile has been enjoying it, and far to much.
Maybe I will have some time to let that one make it's debut today.
Well it went good, just goes to show that sociopaths dont always get their way.
Today in the news, it's kids day WOO HOO. Finally, and super stoked for this weekend. Friday is a 6 girl sleepover and we are gonna have a BLAST!
I have a ton planned, and  will definitely post pics,
I have got to get myself some sort of schedule, working now I have no idea when I will have time to be on here. :(
That makes me sad, I always have so much to say, :)
Alright, so atleast I was able to give some sort of hey, hello, I'm still alive over here,sum up of the past 12 days. It has just been super crazy lately and my memory is fading as the years pass so this is like precious when I actually can remember what to type. HAHA
Well folks,
Image result for happy hump day
Image result for happy hump day

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